Happy Bakrid. Thankfully, it's holiday today. Got up at 7. Took bath. Dressed, packed a small bag. Started at 8, with friend N in his bike. Straight to Changanachery. Stop. "Where is Thirukoodithanam" is the question we ask. Straight, turn left - it's just three kilometres is the reply. Brrr goes the bike. We are there.
Thirukoodithanam Vishnu temple. Said to be built by Sahadevan, one of the five Pandavas. Temple's one of the 9 "divadesams" in Kerala. Remove shirt. Go inside. Pray. God, please keep us all happy. Come out. Brrr goes the bike. Again. Now, to Thiruvalla.
Thiruvalla main junction. Stop. "Where is Vallabha Kshetram" is the question we ask. Straight, turn left - almost the same reply. Thanks, cheta. Brrrr goes the bike. We are there.
Vallabha Ksetram. Huge temple. Typical Kerala style structures. Remove shirt. Go inside. Visit all sannadhis. God, please keep us all happy. Come out. Brrr goes the bike.
Thiruvalla main junction. Stop. Search for a hotel. It's 11, and we're hungry. Aariyas spotted. Go inside. Wash hands. I have dosa, he has poori. Pay bill. Brrr goes the bike. Again.
St John's cathedral (outskirts of Thiruvalla). Huge, awesome structure. Remove slippers, go inside. Silence superb. As usual, silence inside all churches is awesome. Time to close eyes and pray. God, keep us all happy. Come out. Brr goes the bike. Again.
At St Berchman's College, Changanachery. Called S B college. Remember Cheran's 'Autograph'? Shot here. Gopika singing, Cheran fascinated by that. Shot here. Proceed to S B college's girl's hostel. N wants to meet a friend. Hi. I am Srinivas, from Chennai. Yeah. Course's going on. Twenty minutes goes by. We are out. Brrr goes the bike. Again.
Just before Kodimatha bridge. We are 'brrring' on the bike. An auto just before us. Kid smiles at me. I smile back. He shoots at me. I shoot back. I punch in the air. He punches back. Smiles. Laughs. I take photo. Good fun. Bye.
MASCOM. We're back. End of a short-yet-super trip.