Monday, March 20, 2006

MASCOM day -- had a great time!

As M and me stepped into our insti at about 08.30 AM this morning, we were expecting to have a blast of a day, considering that it was MASCOM day today.

We wanted a blast. And, we got it first up.

As we sauntered into the premises, KTO (looking surprisingly smart, dressed in a full-sleeve shirt) blasted at us. "You guys got any idea what's happening here... No explanations, just go inside and start working. No breakfast till you finish them all."

It took us all till 10 to complete the work. Breakfast gone with the wind.

At 10.20, the first guest stepped in. From then on, MASCOM was fully crowded, with people shoving each other to see the "wonderful" work we had done in our lab newspaper. Also displayed were some foreign newspapers we managed to get hold of, the coverage of the Union Budget in many newspapers. The visitors were also shown a powepoint presentation on what work we do all week for our paper.

It was utter chaos initially. Guys and girls in-charge of the reception committee had to get the names/designations of the visitors, pass that paper to the photographer who would get a pic and would then pass the paper to other guys/gals who had to take a quote from the visitor. And then, this chit of paper had to go to the people working furiously on the Indesign page (unfortunately, under the nose of Mr KTO). Before the visitor left the place, he had to given an A3 printout of the front page, with his visit being the lead story.

But slowly, things picked up and normalcy prevailed. By lunch time, everything was almost smooth. The crowd again picked up after lunch, and dropped by 4 o clock. At 5 exactly, there were just two visitors. And soon, they were gone too.

The comments/feedback book was full of "fantastic, excellent." Some consolation for the work we put in.

Despite the chaos, despite the madness, today was one day we will all cherish for the rest of our lives.


Blogger Attribution said...

No pics?

10:58 PM PST  
Blogger Rim said...


We guys were busy taking the visitors' pics that we forgot to take ours!

7:05 PM PST  
Blogger Attribution said...

Got to know that you guys have just a few days left before you leave.

All the best! Good luck!

3:45 AM PST  

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