Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Of Goondas and Rasna!

S - "Where is the party, and how much did he pay you?"

Two minutes into the phone conversation...

S - "What is the actual quotation for this man?"

S is a goonda (rather was) and part of a huge underworld gang here. When my friend P and me went to S's house, the above conversation/words were spoken.

P is doing this intriguing story on underworld criminals here and I accompanied him last evening. Goonda's are cruel people yes, yet they too have a heart. This guy S surely had one, as he offered us nice Rasna!

Just imagine: we were sitting in a goonda's house and he offers us Rasna!

An hour and a half later, P had scribbled four pages of notes for his story. S rambled on knowing that we were just students and could do no harm. And, the jargon S used while taking to us and on the phone was really interesting. "Quotation", "party", "blade", "spirit" are four examples.

More interesting are the names of other criminals(both past and present) here, which I cannot mention here for obvious reasons.

As P and me leave, goonda S talks a few kind words to me in Tamil. Surely, goonda's too have a heart!


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