Friday, December 09, 2005

Today was hell

The day went on really fine till 4.10 in the evening (we had even gone to the court here in the morning to get a grasp of our judicial system.)

But from that time, it was real hell.

4.10 PM - KTO walks upto me and asks - Where the hell are the A3 printouts?

I said - Ready sir...five minutes...

Then, went and gave him the three printouts (for which four of us - editor and three sub-editors had painstakingly worked). He said okay, only to call me back in 5 mins...what the hell is this on the third page???

Earlier, there was a small space problem in the third page and the sub, M, and I had decided to run a special Navy Quiz - something unique and something that nobody's ever tried.

KTO blasted us like hell for it.

KTO - "How dare you put sumthing on the page without asking me?"
I(stammering) - "But sir..sir..there was some space and I thought we could do something different."
KTO - "If you want to do some nonsense like this, go somewhere else and try it...not here. Just get the hell out of here, do the page again and give it."

Sub-editor M interrupts - "Sir, it's not our fault. Please don't shout at us..."

KTO - "How dare you... just take this nonsense and get out of my sight." And, walks off to his car, gets into it and roars off...

PS - Despite all this, the Mighty Editor, who has been nicknamed as 'Pun Ram', has done a fine job. All the pages have come out really cool, all thanks to his three hardworking sub-editors. And of cos the awesome Editor!)


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