Friday, November 04, 2005

The page's over

It's overrrrrrrrrrr. Hurray. The page is done.

I've tried lots of new things in my page(the first page). That includes having kutti PTI stories as a separate strip, without headlines. And, I named the column too, as 'This & That..'.

And, there's one very 'Srinivas'ish headline. It was a story on the "bird flu" disease and higlighted people's ignorance of it. My headline - The bird 'flu', but nobody noticed it...

Will get royally screwed for it I guess; yet doesn't matter, am real happy that I came up with something like that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's the spirit... I like the name though...on bird flu...can you reproduce the column here? ur other posts...I don't know how you cut em in short...I can't seem to do it at all. was doing blog hopping and landed here...

1:05 PM PST  

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