Monday, November 21, 2005

From seed to wood

Question: When a seed grows up to become a big tree, from where does the huge mass of wood come from?

Options: A. Nutrients from soil
B. Magic
C. From the atmosphere

In all probability you would have said 'A'. But you're wrong; the answer is 'C'.

Yeah, the tiny seed goes on to become this huge wood tree-trunk due to the carbon content in the atmosphere. It's a difficult concept to believe yes, but it's the truth.

And, there's one more astonishing fact. The CO2 content in the atmosphere has been steadily increasing from the early 1990s. There was this dude called Charles who has kept an instrument in an isolated part of the world and measured it.

(Got all this information and lots more from an ecologist, who lectured us today)


Blogger Vani said...

Thanks for your post on my new blog.
Good to know that your name will be added soon to the journalism fraternity. Glad to know that you have not yet lost your sense of wonderment at the facts of nature:
us journalists tend to be professional skeptics.
Keep posting and all the best.

5:28 AM PST  

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