Sunday, November 20, 2005

A boring day...and 'Baba'

Everyone sleeps on Sunday. Everything remains still on Sunday.

These statements are hundred per cent true in this little town. Come Sunday, come 'bore-day'. Walk onto the streets in the afternoon, and you'll find it dead. The same place that was abuzz Saturday afternoon would be miserably sleepy on Sunday.

But yet, miracles continue to happen... even on Sundays! A miracle called 'cleaning the room' happened in a tiny room in Rajan's hostel this morning.

Miracles continued to happen on TV in the evening. Which movie? Superstar's squib; one movie that should have never happened. Yes, "Baba" - that's what they say, indeed.

Yet it's a Superstar movie nevertheless, and it's a special movie for me cos I saw it in a special screening a day before it was released in Chennai. The atmosphere rocked. And, that's precisely the reason why every living person - the one who says commercial movies are crap and the one who says commercial movies are cool - should watch Superstar movies. And, sing and dance with the crowd. And be happy.


Blogger navin said...

A blog a day, doesn't keep me away :)...really astonished by your frequency. I think you need to preserve your thoughts and release them as a surprise, you write well, but if you are looking for a larger audience rim (which you should have) cos you a Journo..a weekly column gets more popular than a daily news :), I will read it anyway. Want to watch this blog with a crowd too.

7:58 PM PST  
Blogger Rim said...

Navin: Hmmm...thanks for the feedback dude. But 1 thing, I want to update the blog everyday cos it'll be like a diary-kinda thing; sumthin I can look into after some years...

12:21 AM PST  

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