Thursday, November 10, 2005

Back to normal

At 1.45 exactly(after lunch), we all saw her. Well, to be frank, it was like seeing a dead person alive.

To all our shock-yet-delight, K is back. She's standing, she's smiling, weakly, she's walking ... and well, she's even talking.

All this inside 24 hours after we saw her in a "ghostly" state in the hospital, a state when she didn't recognise any of us, a state when she was crying out loudly.

Right now, she's fine and normal.(just a bit weak, maybe). Some of her relatives are here, they spoke to our director and he's now given her permission to go home for a week. This transformation again reminds me of the line - Yenge sellum intha padhai yaro yaro ariway...

The ultimate reaction to her coming back was from C, a guy who is often teased with her. He stood near the computer lab door, shocked to see her at first. Slowly, and gradually, the "shock" turned into a smile. One could see the inexplicable happiness in his face.


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