Friday, September 30, 2005

Learning from love

7 things that you learn from love:- (2 boring classes made me write this...)

1. To talk
You learn to talk for hours and hours over the phone and in person. And talk smartly, as you have to convince her to come out with you. And talk intelligently, to impress her.

2. To smile
When she says musy-mushy things, you smile. Even someone who has an usually grim face will feel shy and smile when his girl tells him something mushy-mushy.

3. To admire
You love her smile, you love the way she moves her hands while talking. If she says something intelligent, you are left dazed. If she laughs heartily, you feel that you could do anything in the world to live with her.

4. To feel happy
As a child, you would have felt happy when you got a toy or chocolate. As an adolescent, one time we feel on top of the world is when you hold your girl's hand. It's an unmatched feeling - you feel SO happy, SO relaxed, SO contended. You wish that this happiness would last for life.

5. To relish nature
The Moon suddenly becomes a beautiful object, it suddenly becomes your companion. You look at the moon, and wish and wish and wish...

6. To "come out"
Why, tell me, why would you rush in your bike to a hangout? What gives you the courage to go there? Love does. She does. You would go anywhere for her. She brings out the "extrovert" in you.

7. To cry
When you separate from her, the pain in the heart kills you so much that you weep. It's almost like a state of helplessness - you feel that you need her by your side, always. You wish that she was near you, holding your hand, stroking your hair. You wish you could lie on her lap. You wish you could be happy.
You cry.

There's nothing as fascinating as love.


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